Kendall Gross, PharmD
Kendall Gross is a Critical Care Pharmacist practicing in the Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Units at the UCSF Medical Center. She is also an Associate Clinical Professor in the School of Pharmacy at UCSF and works in the Medication Outcomes Center conducting research and improvement work.
Her interests in patient outcomes, implementation science, and interdisciplinary collaboration have led her to complete numerous quality- and safety-based research projects in areas such as pain, sedation, delirium and sleep management, sepsis, and renal replacement therapy. She is especially interested in using the electronic health record (EHR) to enhance safe and appropriate medication therapy and the role of data in informing optimal medication use. Much of her work centers on how we can use the EHR to increase the adoption of best practices, and she collaborates with others in the medical center to operationalize new medication therapies and decision support. She is also engaged in training pharmacy residents and students, including as an advisor to the resident research certificate program.
Kendall received her PharmD from the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy. She completed residencies in Pharmacy Practice and Critical Care at the University of Kentucky before joining UCSF in 2010. Kendall holds dual Board Certifications in Pharmacotherapy and Critical Care.