The Medication Outcomes Center (MOC) vision is to be a premier center for medication safety, economic evaluation and outcomes research and dissemination.
The MOC’s work provides leadership in formulary development within UCSF and cross the UC system. It’s research and quality improvement work generates a body of knowledge and informs practice to assure cost-containment and efficient medication and therapy use. Within this, the MOC strives to provide a supportive learning environment for future pharmacists.
Areas of Work
Drug Formulary Development, Management & Identifying Best Practices
Since its inception the MOC has, and continues to support the UCSF Medical Center (and more broadly) UC Health through leadership in formulary development and management and identifiying best practices.
Quality Improvement Initiatives
The Center’s quality-improvement work focuses on implementing initiatives, analyzing data and translating it into actionable information to support the UCSF Health’s True North Pillars and strategic priorities.
Pharmaceutical Economics & Health Outcomes Evaluation
This area of work has an overarching goal of improving health outcomes and quality of care while enhancing efficiency in the use of health care resources. This work includes economic evaluations focusing on drug safety and effectiveness in real-world settings and value-based assessments of drug therapies and medication-related health care interventions.
Data Analytics
Data analytics leverages large electronic health record (EHR) and administrative claims datasets to provide deeper insight into health outcomes and healthcare costs and underpins all areas of the MOC’s work.
Mentorship and Oversight of Students, Residents & Fellows
The MOC faculty and staff mentor UCSF School of Pharmacy (SOP) and UCSF Health learners and trainees (pharmacy and medicine students, residents, fellows, and postdoctoral students) through a number of initiatives.